Application received from Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation

Saturday 9 November 2019 at 7:10 pm
Published by:
Department of Premier and Cabinet
Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation Logo

A Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) application was received on 22 October 2019 from Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation.

Contact for the application:

Map of the RAP Application area is shown on the map below.

The EMAC RAP variation application area extends southerly to the coast and easterly to the Wathaurong Aboriginal Corporation’s RAP boundary. The Great Otway National Park and the townships of Warrnambool, Terang, Mortlake, Camperdown, Colac, Apollo Bay, Lorne and Cressy are included within the application area. The application area is bounded to the north west by the Grampians National Park and extends through Ararat and crosses just north of the Wimmera River.
