
Find the latest news and decisions from the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council.

Barapa Country Aboriginal Corporation applies to be a Registered Aboriginal Party

On 12 April 2024, the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council (VAHC) received an application from Barapa Country Aboriginal Corporation (BCAC) to become a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP). The application is for the area shown in the map below. 

A map showing the area of the Barapa Country Aboriginal Corporation's RAP application area in northern Victoria, stretching from Koondrook to near Donald.

Under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (the Act), RAPs are responsible for making key decisions about Aboriginal cultural heritage protection and management. 

The VAHC is responsible for assessing all RAP applications. In doing so, the Act provides that the VAHC must consider:

  • the overall scheme and purposes of the Act and whether the proposed RAP application over the application area will enhance the ability of relevant Traditional Owners in their ability to protect and manage their Aboriginal cultural heritage
  • whether the applicant has traditional or familial links to the area
  • whether the applicant has historical or contemporary interests and expertise in the management of Aboriginal cultural heritage in the area
  • objections of any party whose legitimate interests may be adversely affected if a decision were made to grant the applicant RAP status
  • the human rights implications of the decision with regard to the distinct cultural rights of Aboriginal persons as recognised in s 19(2)(d) of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic)
  • any other relevant matter.

Please be aware that the formal notification period for this application has not yet commenced and will likely begin in June to July 2024.

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