For many years there have been calls to develop and publish Guidelines to help those working with the development of Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) and more broadly with Aboriginal Cultural Heritage. In 2019 Council responded to this need by commencing development of these Guidelines.
The resultant Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) Code of Conduct and Heritage Advisor Professional Conduct Guidelines are made pursuant to Council’s powers under 132(2)(ck) of the Act. Council’s aim in publishing the Guidelines is to clarify and codify the role of:
- RAPs and the standards of work and conduct that should be aspired to
- Heritage Advisors and the standards of work and conduct that meet the expectations of Victorian Traditional Owners.
Council’s Legislative Review and Regulatory Functions Committee has overseen the development of the Guidelines. The Committee is composed of both Council members and RAP representatives, ensuring that the voices of Traditional Owners have been heard throughout the development process. Further to this, the Guidelines were comprehensively workshopped with RAP senior staff and Directors through review at RAP Connect. After Traditional Owner responses were received, the Guidelines were distributed to all Heritage Advisors listed with Aboriginal Victoria for consideration.
The final Guidelines have been rigorously reviewed and contributed to by those working with Aboriginal Cultural Heritage and the development of CHMPs. They have been developed to be as much for sponsors, government agencies, and other stakeholders, as they are for the RAPs and Heritage Advisors themselves.
Registered Aboriginal Parties Code of Conduct Guidelines
These guidelines aim to both clarify and codify the role of, and the standards of work and conduct that Registered Aboriginal Parties should aspire to.
Heritage Advisors Professional Conduct Guidelines
These Guidelines aim to both clarify and codify the role of Heritage Advisors, and the standards of work and conduct that meet the expectations of Victorian Traditional Owners.