Call for applications for the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council

The Minister for Treaty and First Peoples the Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP is calling for applications from Victorian Traditional Owners to become members of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council.

Expressions of Interest 

The Minister is seeking Expressions of Interest from Aboriginal people who:

  • are Victorian Traditional Owners
  • live in Victoria
  • have relevant experience and knowledge of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Victoria.

Consideration will also be given to experience in governance and previous work under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006.

The Minister welcomes applicants from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, including people of different genders, people of all ages, people with disability, and LGBTIQ people.

Council members are expected to have adequate time to commit to Council. They are paid a sitting fee and are reimbursed for travel expenses in accordance with Victorian Government guidelines.

Expressions of Interest must be received by 5pm on Monday 6 May 2024.

Please email your written Expression of Interest addressing the above criteria to:

Alternatively, please post your written Expression of Interest addressing the above criteria to:

The Office of Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council

Level 3, 3 Treasury Place


Expressions of Interest form

VAHC Recruitment - Expressions of Interest - Apr 2024
Word 431.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

What is the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council? 

The Council protects Aboriginal Cultural Heritage for the enjoyment and benefit of all Victorians.

The Council’s principal functions are:

  • advising the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Victoria
  • making decisions about applications from Traditional Owners to become Registered Aboriginal Parties
  • overseeing the reporting and return of Ancestral Remains and Secret or Sacred Objects
  • promoting awareness and understanding of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

The Council was created under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. The Act protects Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Victoria, just as other forms of heritage are protected under Victorian law.

The Council is comprised entirely of Traditional Owners, in line with the principle of self-determination.

"The Council's work is vital to strengthening the inherent rights of Victorian Traditional Owners to enjoy and be in control of their heritage, and I encourage interested Victorian Traditional Owners to apply." 

Denise Lovett, Chairperson

