Discussion Paper for self-determined reform of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 Publication

The Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council is calling for legislative reform to protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.

Council has published Taking Control of Our Heritage, a Discussion Paper on legislative reform of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. The objective of the Paper is to help everyone, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, Victorian and non-Victorian, have their say on the operation of the Act.

The Paper organises proposals for legislative change into themes corresponding to mechanisms and parts of the Act. Each has its own section which explains the key purpose of the proposed change and invites submissions and questions.

The primary focus of the review is the Act, however, if issues raised relate to the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018 these will also be considered.

Theme 1: Furthering self-determination for Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs)

Theme 2: Increasing the autonomy of the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council

Theme 3: Recognising, protecting and conserving Aboriginal Cultural Heritage

More information

Download the Discussion Paper

Taking Control of Our Heritage - Discussion Paper on Legislative Reform of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006
PDF 1.47 MB
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Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Legislation

Find out more on our legislation page.

Submissions now closed

Submissions closed on 30 November. If you have questions about the submission process, email vahc@dpc.vic.gov.au           

Submission information was as follows:                                                   

  • Submissions do not have to deal with the whole Act.
  • Only write about the parts of the Act or the themes which most interest you.
  • The questions and proposed legislative changes in this discussion paper are posed as a starting point. Multiple proposals for change can be submitted on the same topic.
  • The proposals contained in this paper are not intended to limit responses.
