- Published:
- Wednesday 4 November 2020 at 3:17 pm
- Published by:
- Department of Premier and Cabinet

Thursday 12 November
The role of First Nation's People in the protection of Indigenous Cultural Values in World heritage Properties post Juukan Gorge
How can our sites of World Heritage significance also be sites of best practice engagement with Traditional Owners?
Australia’s Word Heritage sites range in their Traditional Owner engagement. How can we work together to improve the understanding of cultural values at these sites through working with their Traditional Owners? Indigenous People have a deep connection to and knowledge of Country going back more than 60,000 years. The participation of First Nation’s people in World Heritage management is therefore an essential part of World Heritage management for us all.
Join MC Rachel Perkins and panelists Karlie Noon, Denis Rose and Cheryl Leavy for an in-depth exploration of Traditional Owner perspectives, with a live audience question time and an opportunity for greater networking with other attendees.
Further information is available online
Thursday 26 November
Time for Change - A Discussion about Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws
Join Traditional Owners from across Australia to explore the practical and legislative framework that should protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage.
With the release of Dhawura Ngilan - a vision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage in Australia and the Best Practice Standards in Indigenous Cultural Heritage management and legislation, we explore what best practice looks like in the current environment. With clear examples of where legislation has failed and where good laws could be better, our esteemed panelists explore the need for and prospects of change.
Join MC Liz Allen and panelists Professor Marcia Langton AM, Dr Terri Janke, Matt Burns and Kado Muir for an in-depth exploration of Traditional Owner perspectives, with a live audience question time and an opportunity for greater networking with other attendees.