Council acknowledges Jennifer Beer's contribution and resignation

Tuesday 6 April 2021 at 8:39 am
Published by:
Department of Premier and Cabinet

Council would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution made by Aunty Jennifer Beer during her terms on Council.

Jennifer is a proud and strong Wudyubaluk woman from the Wimmera/Mallee region and, from 2005 to 2006, led the first successful Native Title Claim in Victoria for the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Jupagulk Peoples of the Wimmera.

Jennifer has over 30 years of Koori education experience and also holds a Diploma in Vocational Education and Training. With the support of the Victorian School of Languages, Jennifer has revived and reclaimed her language, Wergaia. The Wotjobulak people completed the VCE Revival and Reclamation education resource. This meant changes to the curriculum in all Victorian secondary schools which introduced the teaching of Indigenous languages.

Her contribution to Council has been extensive through both her thoughtful approach and deep authority on language's inextricable relationship to culture and wellbeing. Jennifer has provided strong direction in Council’s work through participation in the Joint Working Group with the Heritage Council of Victoria and Cultural Heritage Permit and Management Plan Advisory Committees.

Aunty Jenni is passionate about her Culture and language. She's also passionate about rights for all to live, breathe and practice their Culture. She will continue her lifelong commitment to language reclamation and education.

We thank Aunty Jenni for her commitment, wish her well and look forward to a time when we can speak language across Country.
