- Published:
- Thursday 11 October 2018 at 12:46 pm
Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) applications
- Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (GMTOAC)
- Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation (EMAC)
Decisions by Council
At its meeting on 11 October 2018, the Council decided to decline RAP applications from GMTOAC and EMAC in relation to areas of the respective applications that overlapped. The area of overlap was between the Shaw and Hopkins Rivers in the south-west of Victoria (decision area).
In making its decision, Council had regard to information from each of the applicants provided to support their respective applications.
While Council accepted that members of the GMTOAC and EMAC are Traditional Owners of the decision area, Council was not satisfied that either group on its own was the appropriate organisation to represent the Traditional Owners of this area.
An expanded record of the Council’s decision will be published on the Council’s website in December 2018.
Read the detailed decisions here.
Date of decision: 11 October 2018
