Registered Aboriginal Party decision by Council - 5 December 2018

At its meeting on 5 December 2018, the Council appointed First People of the Millewa-Mallee Aboriginal Corporation (FPMMAC) as a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP).

Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 1:43 am

FPMMAC’s appointed area is part of the area for which they applied. It is bound by the Murray River to the north, the Calder Highway to the east, a line which extends horizontally from Hattah to the South Australian and Victorian border to the south, and the South Australian and Victorian border to the west. This area is shown as the hatched area on the map below.

FPMMAC’s cultural heritage responsibilities under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006, over its appointed area, commenced from the date of appointment.

The Council has deferred consideration of FPMMAC’s RAP application over the area outside of the appointed area due to competing interests in this area. This is consistent with Council’s practice of encouraging all RAP applicants to discuss their applications with neighbouring groups with a view to resolving competing interests and overlapping applications. 

Date of decision: 5 December 2018

First People of the Millewa Mallee Aboriginal Corporation registered Aboriginal party area is bound by the Murray River to the north, the Calder Highway to the east, a line which extends horizontally from Hattah to the South Australian and Victorian border to the south, and the South Australian and Victorian border to the west.
