- Published:
- Thursday 14 May 2020 at 11:07 am
- Published by:
- Department of Premier and Cabinet

Our People practice the oldest living culture on earth with pride and passion. We also share the legacy of our most recent history with all Australians. We hope in a future, not far from now, our shared history will be something to be celebrated like never before and all our children grow, speaking the first Australian languages and enjoying the beauty and diversity of Victoria’s many First Peoples Cultures.
Together, we as Victorians must talk about this history and the many impacts of colonisation on our People. From a Traditional Owner perspective, support us to De-Colonise our Country and homelands so, as First Peoples, we can fulfil our rightful place as the owners and guardians of our Culture for the benefit of others.
Together, we must find a way to thrive, grow and evolve in positive collective recognition.
Together, there can be a path to reconciliation that strengthens us all.
We have many achievements to celebrate together and as First People we share our survival and commitment towards a positive future.
These weeks at the end of May and start of June hold days of anniversary both painful and inspiring. We ask all Victorians to stop and think about what happened on each of these days and consider the ways in which we can individually move our community to a place of cultural safety for all.
26 May 1997 | The Bringing Them Home report, the result of a government inquiry into the Stolen Generations, was tabled in federal Parliament |
26 May 1998 | National Sorry Day started as a day of apology and recognition of the profound effects of the practices of government experienced by the Stolen Generations, their families and communities |
27 May 1967 | The Australian Government held a Referendum to Change the Constitution in which more than 90 per cent of Australian voters chose ‘Yes’ to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the census and give the Australian Government the power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples |
27 May | Start of Reconciliation Week |
3 June 1992 | The High Court of Australia recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have land rights in what is known as the Mabo decision |
3 June | Mabo Day is a day of public commemoration and marks the end of Reconciliation Week |